CrossFit Downtown Heights Tampa, FL

Thank you for joining us here at CrossFit Downtown Heights Snatching 101 . In this article we will be covering all aspects of the olympic lift known as the snatch, another term used for getting weight from the ground to overhead in one movement.

What is a Snatch?

The olympic lift known as the snatch is a fancy term used to describe a movement where an athlete brings weight from the ground to overhead. A male’s barbell is typically 45lb and a women’s is 35lb. These are olympic standards and not followed exactly by all.

The Setup

The setup of a snatch is very similar to a clean. The correct starting position is with an athlete standing directly behind the barbell, shoulders over the bar, and their hands have a wide grip on either ends of the barbell. Now an athlete’s grip can be determined by how tall he or she is and/or how long the limbs are. A good way to find your right grip is to pick up the barbell with both arms until it is directly in contact with the hip, this is very important when we begin the lift as we hit our three point extension, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves.

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