CrossFit Downtown Heights Tampa, FL

Thanks for joining us here at Double Unders 101! Here we teach and demonstrate no only what a double under is, but how to do them and do them correctly. Now almost anyone you ask here in this beautiful city of Tampa Bay has most likely picked up a jump rope at some point in their lifetime. Whether that was as a child or in some type of sports and/or training facility.

What are Double Unders?

Your basic jump rope activity is called single unders, this is where the athlete jumps with both feet as the rope rotates around his/her body and passes under the feet once. In CrossFit we do what is called a double under. Using this same motion we turn the jump rope twice as fast so it will pass under the feet twice before the athlete’s feet touch the ground again for the next jump. This movement is very complicated and can take years to master. The use of a jump rope is a very important tool in any type of athletic training, whether your an everyday guy/girl looking to feel and look better, to an olympic athlete training for a competition. In CrossFit we typically use this activity as an endurance style modality, or type of exercise. Alot of people can do Double Unders until they are dead tired and/or out of breath. This is when you find out whether the skill is honed in or not.

What is a Single Under?

As a scaling option for Double Under’s we typically advise beginners to start with single unders. This is your well known exercise seen on almost any workout video bought online. The athletes jumps with two feet up into the air and spins the rope just once under their feet.

Thank you for reading this article on Double and Single Unders. We here at CrossFit Downtown Heights strive to provide the best coaching and workout environment here in the great city of Tampa FL. For more article like this one, please click any words highlighted in YELLOW through out our website and blog posts. Now go out, grab a jump rope and enjoy this beautiful Florida Summer!!

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