Good Morning Tampa CrossFitters!

Welcome to Toes to bar 101, anything and everything you need to know about this gymnastic movement. Let’s dive in Tampa CrossFit Athletes!

Toes to bar is one of the most popular gymnastic movements that are prescribed in any form of CrossFit Program. For those of you who don’t know what this core building movement is, starting from a dead hang position, we begin our kip motion from hollow body to full arch. These two are key to any gymnastics in CrossFit. Pushing your chest forward and your hips/feet back behind the bar until full extension. We then use that momentum to drive our legs/hips forward and upward, driving our knees to the chest. When our legs/hips have reached its highest point, we then drive our feet upward and tap both our feet/toes to the bar. Both feet have to touch the bar at the same time. Contact the bar at different times will be considered a no-rep in CrossFit. Now, once we have made contact with both our toes at the same time we let our hips/feet/legs fall down and go straight into the next kipping motion of again, driving our chest through the bar and hips/feet/legs behind it. This constant kipping motion will give us the momentum we need to rep multiple Toes To Bar together. This is ideal, considering 99% of the time is movement is programmed in high repetitions.

How and What to Practice?

Before this movement can done correctly, as seen on the CrossFit Games or any CrossFit Competition. We need to perfect the CrossFit Kip, Hollow Body and Arch position. These are pivotal to any gymnastic movement in CrossFit. For examples done by pro athletes, click the link below. Thank you for reading Toes To Bar 101! We hope this helps!

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