Welcome to CrossFit-ing 101, the need-to-know page when it comes to anything and everything CrossFit. Each individual link below will take you to an article describing every aspect of each lift, monostructual movement, and/or high skill gymnastics. Lets grab some knowledge bombs to help us crush the next WOD!
Article Links:
- How-to-Scale-WOD’s 101
- Snatch 101
- Power-Clean 101
- Squat-Clean 101
- Deadlift 101
- Rowing 101
- Double-Unders 101
- Pull-Ups 101
- Bar-Muscle-Up 101
- Ring-Muscle-Up 101
- OverHead-Squat 101
- Toes-2-Bar 101
- Box-Jumps 101
- Burpees 101
- Farmers-Carry 101
- Air-Squat 101
- R.D.L.’s 101
- Box-Step-Over’s 101
- Running 101
- Back-Squat 101
- Front-Squat 101
- Tampa CrossFit
- Best-CrossFit-Gym-In-Tampa